JoAnn was involved in sports and athletics all through high school. While in college studying Athletic Training, she took up running and added weight training to her routine. After college, her focus was on starting a family. As a wife and mom she lost track of taking care of herself. After her youngest was born she decided that in order to be the best wife and mother she could be, she needed to pay more attention to her health.
She found her way to an indoor cycling class. She discovered she loved the group atmosphere almost as much as she loved the exercise! Using the energy and support of the group to help power her through each workout helped her to stay committed. Soon enough she got certified to teach indoor cycling. From there she added certifications in several Les Mills programs, Pound Fitness and went on to become a Certified Nutrition Coach as well as a Certified Personal Trainer.
Certifications: Les Mills GRIT (2017), Les Mills TONE (2018), Les Mills BODYCOMBAT (2018), Les Mills RPM (2019), Pound Fit (2020), Les Mills BODYFLOW (2021), NASM-CNC (2020), NASM-CPT (2021), NASM-GPT (2022), SPINNING Certification (2023), Pound Unplugged, (2023), SH1FT CARD1O, M1ND, L1FT and R1DE (2023), NASM-SFS (2024), STRONG Nation (2024), CIRCL Mobility (2024).